
NIDFとは 新潟インターナショナルダンスフェスティバル(NIDF)は、新潟市で開催する国際舞踊フェスティバルです。
NIDF2017のさまざまなプログラムとアジアの舞踊団、観客、市民の出会いによって、ここ新潟市が、北東アジアの文化交流の拠点となる未来を描きます。 Niigata International Dance Festival (NIDF) is an international dance festival taking place in Niigata City. In this second edition, professional dance companies of the same caliber as Niigata City’s RYUTOPIA residential dance company Noism, gather together in Niigata from Korea, Singapore, and China. As an opportunity to “Encounter Asia’s here and now: Niigata City, from the whole world over” — and additionally, as a cultural program looking toward the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games — the dance pieces, created within their respective environments, transmit culture via workshops and symposiums from Niigata to the rest of Japan, and the rest of the world. Through these encounters — between the various NIDF2017 programs and the dance companies of Asia, the audience members, the city residents — we envision a future in which Niigata City serves as northeast Asia’s base for cultural exchange.

Cultural Olympiad


ディレクターメッセージ この度、二回目の新潟インターナショナル・ダンス・フェスティバル、NIDF2017「世界から新潟へ−アジアの現在に出会う」が開催されることを嬉しく思います。
本フェスティバルを通して、新潟の地が、さらに豊かな国際性を育む一助となること、そしてそのことが、新潟市民のみなさまの誇りとなることを、心から願っています。 アーティスティックディレクター 金森穣 It is with joy that we are hosting the second Niigata International Dance Festival (NIDF2017): Encounter Asia’s Here and Now: Niigata City, from the Whole World Over.
This year sees a visit from a dance company from Singapore, in addition to those from South Korea and China that performed at the first festival (NIDF2015). They are staging performances as well as workshops in the Niigata City Performing Arts Center. Ryutopia's resident company Noism, which has brought Niigata international renown, is also participating, meaning that four theater-based dance companies representing contemporary Asia are meeting in Niigata this fall.
Niigata has always been a global city, open to the world. From the sea in the Edo period, from the sky in the Showa years, many people, things, and cultures have come together to be sent out to the world, or else to enter the city from overseas. But how many people are aware of these facts now, in the Heisei period? How many see it as a "global city"?
I sincerely pray that the festival will help further enrich the internationalism of Niigata, and that this will make every citizen of the city proud. Jo Kanamori, Artistic Director


Noism芸術監督・演出振付家 金森 穣 Noism Artistic Director / Director Choreographer
Jo Kanamori


Kanamori is a director, choreographer, and dancer. He is the artistic director of the Ryutopia Niigata City Performing Arts Center's Dance Division and its resident dance company Noism. When he was 17, Kanamori moved to Europe by himself, where he studied under Maurice Béjart and others. He made his debut as director and choreographer aged 20, while enrolled at the Nederlands Dans Theater. After a decade spent working with European dance companies, he returned to Japan. In 2004 he set up Noism, Japan's first dance company to have a residency at a theater. Since 2014 he has advised the city of Niigata on arts policy. He has received many prizes, including the Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts in 2007 and the Niigata Nippo Culture Award in 2008.


名称 Name 新潟インターナショナルダンスフェスティバル2017 [NIDF2017] Niigata International Dance Festival NIDF 2017
ディレクター Artistic Director
金森穣 Jo Kanamori
会期 Dates 2017年9月26日(火)~12月17日(日) September 26 (Tue) - December 17 (Sun) in 2017
会場 Venue りゅーとぴあ 新潟市民芸術文化会館 Ryuto Pia Niigata Citizen Arts and Culture Center
参加団体 Company 大邱市立舞踊団(DCDC)、T.H.E ダンスカンパニー(T.H.E)、城市当代舞踊団(CCDC)、Noism1(りゅーとぴあ専属舞踊団ノイズム) Daegu Contemporary Dance Company, T.H.E Dance Company, City Contemporary Dance Company, Noism1 - RYUTOPIA Residential Dance Company
主催 Sponsors NIDF2017実行委員会
[構成団体] 東日本旅客鉄道(株)新潟支社、(株)新潟日報社、(株)新潟放送、新潟市洋舞踊協会、(公財)新潟観光コンベンション協会、新潟市文化・スポーツコミッション、(公財)新潟市芸術文化振興財団、新潟市 The executive committee of NIDF2017
East Japan Railway Company Niigata Branch, Niigata Nippo, Broadcasting System of Niigata, Niigata City Western Dance Association, Niigata Visitors & Convention Bureau, Niigata City Culture and Sport Commission, Niigata City Art & Culture Promotion Foundation, Niigata City
プレスリリース Press release こちらからダウンロードいただけます。 Download here. プレスリリース



第一回開催 NIDF2015 – 新潟インターナショナルダンスフェスティバル (2015/8/21-9/4)

  • 大邱市立舞踊団

  • 城市当代舞踊団

  • ノイズムゼロ